Other Golf Players
Yuxin Lin
Xinjun Zhang
Andy Zhang
Zhengkai Bai
Haotong Li
Yi Cao
Ashun Wu
Heath Slocum
Davis Riley
Robby Shelton
Ben Lorenz
Nicolai Hojgaard
Jin Jeong
Matt Gogel
Nathan Petronzio
Franklin Corpening
Hank Lebioda
Ryan Alford
Lanto Griffin
Mito Pereira
Max McGreevy
Camilo Villegas
Doug Ghim
Luis Fernando Barco
Josh McCarthy
Ryan Gerard
Ernie Els
Ryan Brehm
Ben Kern
Richard Johnson
Carl Yuan - Career Earnings & Salary
Carl Yuan has earned total career earnings of -, averaging $NaN prize money per year. Carl Yuan's net worth is -. Carl Yuan turned pro in 2018 and has played for 3 years and was born in CHN. In 2024 Carl Yuan earned no winnings so far. Carl Yuan best year was 2021-22 where he earned -.
Career Earnings & Prize Money:
Year | Earnings | Tournaments Played | Wins | Seconds | Thirds | Top 10 | Cut Made |
2021-22 | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | - |
2019-20 | - | 2 | - | - | - | - | 1 |
2018-19 | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | 1 |
Total | - | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
What is Carl Yuan's career earnings?
Carl Yuan has earned total career earnings of -.
How much does Carl Yuan make per year?
Carl Yuan has averaged $NaN prize money per year.
When was Carl Yuan highest prize money in a year?
Carl Yuan best year was 2021-22 where he earned -.
Other Golf Players
Yuxin Lin
Xinjun Zhang
Andy Zhang
Zhengkai Bai
Haotong Li
Yi Cao
Ashun Wu
Heath Slocum
Davis Riley
Robby Shelton
Ben Lorenz
Nicolai Hojgaard
Jin Jeong
Matt Gogel
Nathan Petronzio
Franklin Corpening
Hank Lebioda
Ryan Alford
Lanto Griffin
Mito Pereira
Max McGreevy
Camilo Villegas
Doug Ghim
Luis Fernando Barco
Josh McCarthy
Ryan Gerard
Ernie Els
Ryan Brehm
Ben Kern
Richard Johnson
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