Other Golf Players
Yuxin Lin
Xinjun Zhang
Andy Zhang
Haotong Li
Carl Yuan
Yi Cao
Ashun Wu
Ben Kern
Chase Seiffert
Marcelo Rozo
Adam D'Amario
Mikko Korhonen
Nathan Petronzio
Damian Palanyandi
Fran Quinn
J.J. Killeen
Paul Casey
Franklin Corpening
Hanbyeol Kim
Hank Lebioda
Charles Reiter
Eric Axley
Russell Henley
PGA Rankings
Eddie Pepperell
Francesco Laporta
Woody Austin
Sangmoon Bae
Aaron Rai
Jacob Bergeron
Zhengkai Bai - Career Earnings & Salary
Zhengkai Bai has earned total career earnings of $12,425, averaging $12,425 prize money per year. Zhengkai Bai's net worth is $12,425. Zhengkai Bai turned pro in 2014 and has played for 2 years and was born in CHN. In 2024 Zhengkai Bai earned $12,425 so far. Zhengkai Bai best year was 2020-21 where he earned $12,425.
Career Earnings & Prize Money:
Year | Earnings | Tournaments Played | Wins | Seconds | Thirds | Top 10 | Cut Made |
2020-21 | $12,425 | 2 | - | - | - | - | 2 |
2019-20 | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | 1 |
Total | $12,425 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
What is Zhengkai Bai's career earnings?
Zhengkai Bai has earned total career earnings of $12,425.
How much does Zhengkai Bai make per year?
Zhengkai Bai has averaged $12,425 prize money per year.
When was Zhengkai Bai highest prize money in a year?
Zhengkai Bai best year was 2020-21 where he earned $12,425.
Other Golf Players
Yuxin Lin
Xinjun Zhang
Andy Zhang
Haotong Li
Carl Yuan
Yi Cao
Ashun Wu
Ben Kern
Chase Seiffert
Marcelo Rozo
Adam D'Amario
Mikko Korhonen
Nathan Petronzio
Damian Palanyandi
Fran Quinn
J.J. Killeen
Paul Casey
Franklin Corpening
Hanbyeol Kim
Hank Lebioda
Charles Reiter
Eric Axley
Russell Henley
PGA Rankings
Eddie Pepperell
Francesco Laporta
Woody Austin
Sangmoon Bae
Aaron Rai
Jacob Bergeron
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